Tuesday, January 10, 2006


060106: Lazy wanna type about it. Hope the picture says it all. =]
It was a great weekend. Congratulations to Shaffiq and Kak Iffah! -although i know they don't read my blog- Makes me feel like getting married too.. Haha!
080106: By the way, thank you to Fad, Shappa, Ili and THE Boy for coming to the wedding. =]
Here's a pic, stolen from Shappa's blog!
It's been drizzling/raining since Saturday.
Yesterday was lovely! <3>

090106: Candlelit. Sticky Chewy Chocolate. US Hot Fries & Dip.

Have you noticed anything yet? My new hairstyle! It's supposed to be short and sassy. Some call it the 'bung-look'. But I think it's the nicest hairstyle I've had since forever.

Now, there's only the 5 of us at home. As in living in the household. Don't know whether I should be happy or sad. Maybe both at the same time. Anyway, it's Hari Raya Haji today. So ya, SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI to all! =] Might be visiting the grannies and great granny later.

Lemme tell you a secret. It's 5:02PM and I haven't bathe yet. =X

To Shappa: Send me the pics we took on Sunday. =)

To Delta'04: Dinner, soon?

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