Monday, October 01, 2007


L to R: bro, irfan, aida, me, sister, kar toink toink

Okie, so it's the first time ever that I've planned such gathering with my little cousins. =D Some time ago, say 10 years, I was the little kid who went out with the older cousins (now adults). (My sister, me and Kartini are considered 'young adult' cousins.) But now they are either married, busy with work or overseas. So now that the teenager cousins are already teenagers and don't whine when they go out and can behave, I realise that they are super fun to go out with!


I think I remember when I was about 6-10 years old and was whiny and crappy and always misbehaving, even my sister didn't want to bring me out!! =\ You know, that phase...


So these kids, are all a little more grown up and are less worrying to bring out. No need to hold hands when crossing roads. No need to keep looking out for them when walking at shopping malls in case anyone kidnaps them. No need to tell them to sit down and finish their food. You know.. those kinda things your parents used to tell you when you go out.

Wheee! I'm so happy that I am closer to them now.. And even more glad that I am close to Zar's cousins and mine too!


I cannot wait for hari raya! So many reasons why I am looking forward to it! Although my baju that I sent to the nyonya shop downstairs not really nice... =\


Azhar says that he wants to be sent overseas for training. And if he's chosen, Taiwan btw, he'll be away for 9 months with only 14 days of break. Like out of Singapore! Like for 9 months! Like for very very long! Like shitttttttttttttttttt.... NOOOOO!


At Macs, after TongSeng and Venezia.. Hahaha, we sat at 3 makan places in just 2 hours. That's me and my closest cousin! =D When we were younger.. i loveandhate her. We fought abt stupid things and became friends again soon after. Now, she's a maknenek. Haha!

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