290706: Woke up damn early on Sat to do work. Made my brother go to NTUC to buy ingredients because I felt like cooking spaghetti. Then we made 'pizza' with the extra sauce, sausages and crabmeat. The reason why pizza is in inverted commas is because we used bread as the crust. REMEMBER THE PIZZA IN CEDAR??? JUST LIKE THAT BABES! MPH and Po-Jee came over to eat.
After which we left for his -last- gig. It was a totally different scene altogether. The environment. The music. The people. The way they talk and behave. The things they do. The clothes they wear. Just makes you wanna think about the very reason why Malays are like THAT. Scary. It was somewhere I don't belong and know I won't, at least not in the mean time. =
Managed to leave that -literally- stinky place right after MPH performed. By the way, you did excellent darls! =] I cannot stand smoke and sweat. The whole studio was -very- poorly ventilated and humidity level was at 90%. Just a little bit more it would have rained indoors. Smelly rain then.
Then, we took bus to go to Kallang to catch fireworks. Fortunately or unfortunately, we caught the 8.02pm one from inside the bus. But managed to catch the full, but short, 8.08pm display! I was wondering why this year's fireworks display is so short. Budget. Don't even have FireworksFestival @ MarinaBay! Aiyaaaa! Then we took bus home. Funny sia the busride... =P
300706: This is what happens when you are sick but still have to study. Soon the tissue box itself became the dustbin. I know it's disgusting to have a pile to soiled tissues in front of you but $%^&*(*@&*(^&*(. =X
Slept Napped at 3. Woke up at 5.30 to go to school.
I predict I'll be having a bad day today. =(
ps: NEVER leave your belongings unattended! There are thieves in school.