Saturday, August 19, 2006

let it burn.

I have an ulcer on the inner right side of my upper lip. Unfortunately, it is not so strategically located. It is directly opposite my top right cuspid [the teeth located next to your incisors]. As such, eat time I talk or eat or yawn, the pointed tooth rubs against the ulcer, causing much discomfort and sometimes pain when I laugh really hard or need to talk alot. Because of that too, I have a slightly burnt gums [at the roof of my mouth] because I dare not let my food touch the ulcer and thus, I have no choice but to receive it straight at the upper gums. And I don't want to wait for my food to cool down first because I hate to eat cold meals. Sigh. It's all because of a mini accident. And I mean a real MINI one. Kinda knocked my water bottle against the lip and it tore abit of tissue. Oh, just found out, the medical term for the upper gums is pallette. Hard pallette is the one nearer to teeth and soft pallette is the one nearer to your throat.

Just now was good and bad. =( & =). I bought a DorothyPerkins top. It's none of those in the poll. Because, the 'I Love Rock and Roll' one was sold out, I thought the one with the hearts didn't look as cute&pretty as the first time I saw it and the 'Plant More Trees' seemed a lil too dull. And soooooo! We came across this chrome 'REV-OLU-TION' shirt and I bought it. Picture at the end of the post.. Haa!

Got myself some magazine holders to store my worksheets and such. Only 3$ for 5 pieces! IKEA IKEA IKEA! They're gonna open an enormous IKEA nearer to home. Tampines area.

My MOOKS bag was gone! and so was the colourful headband at Rastafari at MarinaSq. But I asked the abang/uncle at the Penin shop to chope one for me once they stock up their merch. I'm abit desperate for a wallet but boyfriend thinks that I should live life like a teenager and shouldn't carry around a Guess wallet like a tai-tai yet. HEH. He got himself two shirts though. The blue one is so cute. Eleh, mentang2 dapat pay... buy this and that.. Haha...

To YOU: I don't think I deserved what happened this afternoon. It isn't entirely my fault when I got a lil upset because I think you should have at least shared with me about it. Neither am I saying it is your fault k? Oh wait... is it the thing that you almost blurt out that time and wanted to only tell me on Saturday? Anyway, I think you owe me an apology even though you unintentionally made me sad. =]

Nice or not people? Haha, can see abit of bunchitt-ness...

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