Thursday, November 30, 2006



Been up to nothing (really, really) lately. Just too much of slacking around baking cookies, playing monopoly, surfing, gg to the beach, watching movies... hahahah...

Anyway, we finally sent Cookie for spaying.. she came back all dopey and sleepy-looking. The vet even made her to put on the 'lampshade' to prevent her from licking (which may eventually open) her wound. It took her so long to climb the stairs and the thing always hit the chair and table legs. I think it got her really upset and irritated. =( Now her tummy is all shaved off but the wound is only about 1cm long (or short rather). Hope she feels better tmr! =)

ANDDDDD, I'm gonna have to return the tablet next Monday.. =( So sadddd... some more don't have comp at home.. my sis's old lappy is, well, old... and not really working.. So ya.. these are my last few entries.. Boohoohooo! Gg back to sch with Net... Eh, I nv pangseh you okAyy!!

Afterwhich I have to go for bike prac... which reminds me... I have yet to announce that I failed it again! Hahahaha, the second time around... BUT! I was so proud of myself for a number of things...

1. I can ride and change gears confidently now. Picked up that skill real fast! Damn proud of it.. hehe.. =D

2. I fell TWICE only!!! And both are not really my fault..
The first time it happened, I banged into the rear tyre of this mama. He rode so near me at the bend and I was riding on the inner side. And he was abit too slow and I didn't have time to change direction or slow down. Then I fell on my right hip first, then shoulder and rolled abit one the road, then 3 instructors came to my rescue.
The second time was because of this makcik. I think she was 40-50 years old and apparently had riding licence 15 years ago.. Haha! She abruptly crossed my path, while riding, and her rear tyre got stuck to my front tyre.. So both fell..

BUT! (which brings us to the next reason..)


4. I got to ride in the small circuit in gear 4 baby! (Can only ride up to gear 3 in small circuit. I think.) I didn't know at first.. when I stopped the instrutor said "Eh, you were in gear 4 you know?"

Okay.. that's it.. I will be back next week for the third time! Hahah, hope can pass this time around siaaaa! =D

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