Friday, June 22, 2007

screw you!

You woman totally suck! I admit it was a mistake on my part for not double checking the dates and such. But it was only appropriate that I have at least called you up to sort things out! If I was really right about the dates, then I'm fucking sure I would been deemed irresponsible. And you don't have to be judgmental and think that I was bluffing you! Screw you! Just because you are some big shot, it doesn't give you the right to accuse me of such things.

And I screwed up the sponsorship award. I swear I saw the due date is 25th June. To my horror, when I had the sudden urge to re-read the letter again, it is actually 21st June, which was well, yesterday. And of course, I haven got my surieties' documents ready. So I panicked like hell. But managed to contact the HR person and tell her that I'l hand it up next week. I have the feeling that maybe she's glad she has less work for the weekend. She said, "Oh, its alright, don't worry, next week is fine.." Maybe, maybe not.

Btw, I desperately need a printer! The shop downstairs prints at 20cents/pc! That like fucking daylight robbery! So, I've got my essay done in about 4 hours straight. And I thinkhope it's a good piece of work. I don't know if it's good or bad if after every paragraph I almost typed a "=D". It only implies 2 things. One, I feel that the reader will be satisfied after every paragraph. Or two, I chat on MSN too much.. -_-"

So now, I gotta get my ass down to allow people to rob my money. Or maybe I can go to my aunt's place and try to be nice to my male cousin whom I've not talked to since I was 5 and see if I can borrow his printer.. =P Jahat eh me?

Then, I can come back and study chinese for abit.. then go off to CDC and hope to pass Prac7! =D

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