Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Aight, so today was the second day. I've survived and have actually achieved more things than yesterday. Bathing patient in the toilet, changing clothes, bedsheet, diapers, feeding and observing other stuff.

I feel happy when the old guys (its a male geron ward) call me Missy (No, I'm not being pervertic). And I go up to them and they tell me that they're cold. So I pull the blanket over their shoulders and turn off the fan. It makes me happy when I walk around, ask them if they're ok and they say "Missy, I'm very comfortable. Very good!" And although sometimes it feels weird when we don't understand what the other was saying, I try to make them understand by sign language or attempt to throw in some mandarin/hokkien words like "Uncle got pangsai or not? Pangsai???".

Sometimes when I see disgusting stuff, or smell, I ask myself "Do I really wanna do this in the long run? Like seriously?" Oh well, am still thinking. But I think I know the answer..

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