Thursday, August 30, 2007



no, i'm not feeling high. in fact am feeling damn tired right now. so tired i cannot be bothered with caps-uncaps my entry. so anyway, my first afternn shift. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! freakinggg tiring i tell you! dangs! so much walking up and down the corridor today for various purposes. take urinal (the container male patients pee into when they cannot go toilet), put the urinal back, take the changing trolley, search for patients in the toilet and this and that.

and guess what? i managed to perform TWO(2) NGtube feeding today! GREAT SUCCESS! ok, why am i so obsessed with that? its because not many people get to do it. especially if their wards are not the geron ward. besides, i've practiced so much in school for assessments i better be able to do it on a real patient la! i managed diaper-changing on my own! yeayyyy! OH! and i watched the doctors put a tap on a patient's stomach. they call it abdominal tap. it's really a tap-like thing to drain fluid from the patient's abdomen. and like the student nurses were standing there watching with the student doctors.

so ya, there was this uncle who sang the ABC song LOUDLY. and i heard he sang the national anthem last night. haha, cuteness. =]

it's been great so far. just that i have to present 2 case studies to my teacher tmrw. and i havent really go thru the cases because i was so busy.

oh, of course, the feetxz still hurtsx...!

i'm outta here.

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