Friday, June 30, 2006

post-prelim1 depression

I don't believe what happened to me this morning. The worst day ever. And I can't even vent it on anyone. I must have done something very wrong, that I haven't realised, to deserve this. Or maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I don't know.

It is partly ignorance on my part, but hey, the timetable that I got is the one everyone else got from the school website too. And how is it that she too realised about the timetable change only THIS morning?

And another thing's bothering me. Reverse psychology works most of the time. Even though it never fails to leave me feeling bad. I'm the villain to you.

I lack sleep these days. Only managed to get 2 hours of sleep this morning. And waking up to a shocking news.

Bad day, bad day, bad day.

Anyway, managed to sell my N3108 and earn $55. That sales person was being a total bitch though.

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