Friday, December 29, 2006
1. My nephew turned 1 month old! And I'm missing him now..
2. Zar and I went to JB yesterday to watch movie and eat our hearts out! Night at the Museum was super funny! And we junked at DUNKIN'DONUTS, NasiLemak at Larkin, lunched at KotaRaya and had a superdelicious Marshmellow Chocolate Fudge cake at SecretRecipe! I went for a manicure too! =D
3. Today is a bedok-hg-raffles-serangoon-hg-raffles-hg-punggol-hg-bedok day! I have to run errands for my mum. I'm grateful for the bus concession! (Although my ezlink will expire in a few days time.. Damn!)
5. I'm going for my Practical 3 tmrw!! I don't wanna fall anymoreeeeeeeeee!!
6. Zar's gg Melacca for so many days.. =\ (Then I got no friend, how?)
7. I have to take care of Cookie while he's away.. =D
9. I'm considering Nursing Diploma at NYP for next year no matter what the results will be.
10. Also, joining the SCDF and be a PARAMEDIC SPECIALIST sounds fun! Though, my mum shrieked at the idea of me having to remove dead people from ropes that they hang themselves with. (That's what they do, right?) Or any other gruesome and gory accidents. Thrilling babe! 3 words. SEE HOW FIRST! =P
Till next time! Behave yourselves, kiddos!
dan.. langit menjadi biru..
dengan kehadiranmu..
oh sayang..
adakah ini satu cabaran?
ataupun satu pertemuan?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Anyway, nothing much is interesting around here. Hmmm, I got my hair rebonded during KL trip and diy-dyed it when I got back here. There's really alot to buy down there, as in in KL. Just that we had too little time and in the end I didn't buy anything for myself except for funny and lame bubblegums and (as Fad calls it) "tamer hair". Tadaaa! That's it. But I managed to grab a ManU jersey for Zar! HAHAH! He loves it, youuuu! =X
Then, it was the SOCKS PARTY which I was looking forward to like mad!!!! It wasn't a complete success in the sense that we didn't manage to go to the botanical garden because it was raining THE WHOLE DAY in Singapore last Tuesday. Besides that, not everyone turned up in socks. =\ Imaginary socks cannot be counted, Fad.. =D But, it was not a party at all, shall I admit? I mean, we didn't have lots of food and drinks. Opps, we did have some food but no drinks! Hahahah! And the birthday cake? Oh, we threw it away. Because it had ashes and dust from the sparklers candles and the cake itself tasted funny? But hey, its the thought that counts! Overall, it was so lovely to be with you guys! Cannot wait for the next party! 010207 okayyy?!?!??!?!?!? =D
Okay then, I gotta bathe now. Gg out later. I want to go to Underwater World at Sentosa. Bubbye! In the mean time, take care ya'll!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
anyway, i got my first pair of crocs! =D say what you want la! ugly or childish or what. i still think its pretty! oh, its the mary-jane model and it's goldddddd! and the best thing is.... it's freeeeee! <333
i love to give surprises! i love to plan them in my head, imagine the whole scenario and the surprised person's facial expression! and i lovelovelove it when the surprise turns out exactly like how i imagined it to be, or even better! right now, i have smth in my mind. don't wait for it or it will never come! and don't keep thinking if it will be for you because it may not. =D
next, i don't understand why some things happen all the time. it got me so angry and pissed just talking about it or thinking of it. is it anyone's fault at all that things like that happen? could it be you? i don't really care. it happens all the time anyway. and you add redundant information. what are you trying to imply? it's not my fault. it's not their fault. neither am i saying it's yours. but then again, who really knows?
it's the school's prom on tuesday. and im not going. because im a loser and im a wet blanket. actually, its more the company, or the lack of it? i don't want to spend my money on smth which i think i will not like. and no, dear classmates, im not saying that i don't enjoy spending time with you guys. its just that.. i dunno. smth intangible that is not there. it's not the magical feeling that i used to get back then. i noe, we should really move on. but hey, deeeeeeep down in you, you noe that you long to stay somewhere forever no matter how much better things may be in your current life. and besides personal reasons like these, its also the financial part. oh wells...
which brings to my next pt. i need money for my bike practicals. ive applied to so many places to get a job but none has called back to say they want to employ me. =( anyway, i have prac tmrw again. pray for me that i will pass it tmr and that it wont rain please. and please pray for me that no bangla or makcik will ride in my way. thank you.
im rubbing my eyes and i havent washed the make-up off my face. this means that im rubbing the eyeliner into my eyes. harmful??? im rambling already. my shoulders' aching. till next time ya'll! =]
happy holidaysss! and so long......... =D
Friday, December 01, 2006
the bfg
"Even so..." Sophie said.
"Do not forget," the BFG said, "that human beans is disappearing everywhere all the time even without the giants guzzling them up. Human beans is killing each other much quicker than the giants is doing it."
"But they don't eat each other," Sophie said.
"Giants isn't eating each other either," the BFG said. "Nor is giants killing each other. Giants is not very lovely, but they is not killing each other. Nor is crockadownlillies killing other crockadownlillies. Nor is pussy-cats killing pussy-cats."
"They kill mice," Sophie said.
"Ah, but they is not killing their own kind," the BFG said. "Human beans is the only animals that is killing their own kind."
"Don't poisonous snakes kill each other?" Sophie asked. She was searching desperately for another creature that behaved as badly as the human.
"Even poisnowse snakes is never killing each other," the BFG said. "Nor is the most fearsome creatures like tigers and rhinostossterisses. None of them is ever killing their own kind. Has you ever thought about that?"
Sophie kept silent.
"I is not understanding human beans at all," the BFG said. "You is a human bean and you is saying it is grizzling and horrigust for giants to be eating human beans. Right or left?"
"Right," Sophie said.
"But human beans is squishing each other all the time," the BFG said. "They is shootling guns and going up in aerioplanes to drop their bombs on each other's heads every week. Human beans is always killing other human beans.
He was right. Of course he was right and Sophie knew it. She was beginning to wonder whether humans were actually any better than giants.
I wonder too... =\
Thursday, November 30, 2006

ANDDDDD, I'm gonna have to return the tablet next Monday.. =( So sadddd... some more don't have comp at home.. my sis's old lappy is, well, old... and not really working.. So ya.. these are my last few entries.. Boohoohooo! Gg back to sch with Net... Eh, I nv pangseh you okAyy!!
Afterwhich I have to go for bike prac... which reminds me... I have yet to announce that I failed it again! Hahahaha, the second time around... BUT! I was so proud of myself for a number of things...
1. I can ride and change gears confidently now. Picked up that skill real fast! Damn proud of it.. hehe.. =D
2. I fell TWICE only!!! And both are not really my fault..
The first time it happened, I banged into the rear tyre of this mama. He rode so near me at the bend and I was riding on the inner side. And he was abit too slow and I didn't have time to change direction or slow down. Then I fell on my right hip first, then shoulder and rolled abit one the road, then 3 instructors came to my rescue.
The second time was because of this makcik. I think she was 40-50 years old and apparently had riding licence 15 years ago.. Haha! She abruptly crossed my path, while riding, and her rear tyre got stuck to my front tyre.. So both fell..
BUT! (which brings us to the next reason..)
4. I got to ride in the small circuit in gear 4 baby! (Can only ride up to gear 3 in small circuit. I think.) I didn't know at first.. when I stopped the instrutor said "Eh, you were in gear 4 you know?"
Okay.. that's it.. I will be back next week for the third time! Hahah, hope can pass this time around siaaaa! =D
Sunday, November 26, 2006
my home

go to
Friday, November 24, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

haha! read theory book pun jadi lah!
anyway, didnt go to the hosp to see Shaqif today.. my whole body is aching.. his feet are so tiny and cute and soft and smooth... =D
"Hello! My name is Muhammad Shaqif Audy Bin Shaffiq! I love my Mummy, Daddy, uncles and aunties, especially Aunty By!"
I think that's what he and future newphews and nieces are gonna call me. Alamak... I went to vist SIL and him on Monday night and I fell in love with him the minute I laid my eyes on him. He looks so perfect and he smells so nice. Ouhhhhhhhhh!
Was out with Zar love earlier today. We went Vivo to have lunner, then window-shopped. Entered GAP and went straight into the Infant section. All the little tiny weeny clothes looked sooooo cuutteee! And I decided there and then to get smth for the lil one. Haha, spent a little and got him this cute GAP BABY long-sleeved emo-like suit! It was soooo cute.. *AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW* and the nice cashier helped to put the suit in a gift box! Yeay yeay!
After that, we took train from HarbourFront and I dropped at Little India cause I cannot wait to go KK and see him againnnn! =] Here are more pics!

Monday, November 20, 2006
Anyway, I'm good at finding good quotes.. So here's one for myself...
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.."
-Sir Winston Churchill
It's only the first time and I am not less enthusiastic... Okay, maybe abit less only.. But I'll built up more courage and I have a week to do that! =]
Then came the real lesson part. We had to mount the bike, start the engine and practise to pull clutch fully, open throttle abit, release clutch abit to feel the 'biting point'. That's when you feel that your bike is starting to move. Then open throttle abit more while maintaining half-clutch and nearing the target, pull clutch fully and close throttle at the same time. Then, pull brake lever.
Sounds easy? F**KING NO LA! Like that only, I fell with the bike like 10 times, most of the time on the left side. The instructor had to keep helping me lift up the bike to upright position. Haha! So after the rest managed to move off to the other parts of the lesson, I was left with another guy, Matthew, doing the same thing over and over again. He was abit better than me because he didn't even fall once!
Finally, I managed to be allowed to push the bike to the small circuit to apply the techniques and do abit of cornering. There alone, my engine stalled approx. 14 times and again, I kept falling with the bike, about another 10 times? What's worst, there was once when I accidently release the clutch fully and the bike accelerated really fast, flew and hit the kerb. Then, I was thrown off the machine twice. For one of them, I broke the fall on my palms and my head hit the road. Thanx to the pair of gloves, elbow&knee guards and the helmet that I was wearing. Had I not worn those stuff, I prolly would have had brain heamorrhage there and then.
Okay, exaggerating abit about the heamorrhage part. But really, it seemed really easy to control the different parts of the bike using your fingers (to control clutch lever and front break lever on the handle) and toes (to control gear shift pedal and rear brake switch). It's nothing much like riding on a bicycle. Firstly, the bicycle is freaking light, it's easier to control the speed of the bicycle and the break isn't as complex. I don't know..
And don't trust people who say it's okay if you don't have long legs. I mean, you can still do it, with or without much difficulty, but having long legs is a real advantage because you can easily drop your feet on the ground when in stationary position without the other leg hanging on the other side. Get what I mean? And of course, when both your feet can (comfortably) touch the ground, you feel less scared and are actually more confident. I think that was my weakest link. I thought I was too scared to accelerate and thus causing engine to stall many times. And because I was scared too, I always, pull the break lever immediately and harshly, causing the bike to jerk violently and me to lose my balance. Hence, the falls.
Towards the end of the lesson, I managed to have more control over the bike and I stopped falling with it. I learnt that the throttle grip is VERY sensitive and I don't need to open throttle so much to make the bike move. By then, I was already tensed up and the instructor went up to me and said, "Don't look so stressed, smile abit la.." There was a time when I think he thought I needed a break. He put on his helmet, mount the bike and asked to be his pillion rider. We rode around the small circuit twice and at the same time showed me how to control that thing.
11.45am: He ordered me and Matthew (remember him?) to park the bike and go back to the information counter. I sat down feeling a sense of defeat. If I cannot even get through prac1, then how was I to proceed and get a bike licence? The rest who were there with me during the orientation, including Adam, this angmoh guy I made friends with, came back soon after. Adam and Matthew asked if I was okay. I know that they prolly really cared, but a small part of me felt insulted and I felt inferior.
The verdict was that I did not pass my prac lesson1. The instructor turned to me, returned my student booklet and said I needed to improve abit more. Tell you all a secret hor, Matthew failed too. HAHA! Okay, so bad. After that I went to the office to book another prac lesson for next week.
So there, my first experience in riding! I cannot say it went smoothly because it wasn't, both technically and literally. But, I'm gonna try it again next Monday with more confidence and hope to clear lesson 1! =]
I don't know if I'm feeling sad right now. Maybe last night and this morning I told myself that I was scared too many times. Sigh, mind over matter babe! I forgot...
Right now, I'm left with a bruised left palm and little red spots on the left one. Okay lar, I'm gonna finish my administrative work already. Maybe I shud stick to office work. I don't really know...
PS: Pardon the technical terms.... I don't really know how to explain otherwise... =\
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Rmb when I said I was going out to get smth in the previous post? Hahah, I was out to get my helmet! My very own and the first one too!
Then, yesterday, I had my theory lessons 1 and 2. It was so scary I tell you. I mean I was there all alone and there were no girls my age to make friends with and mats and apeks were around. So, as usual, I gabra like mad. Haha, funny! After that, Zar and I went outttttt...! It seemed like it's been a loooong time since we went out and like walked around slowly and I didn't need to keep looking at my watch. It felt so nice to be walking down Orchard Rd last night. And I went window-shopping and shopping! Got a babe-top (haha) from Topshop. But the pullover at Dorothy Perkins was GONE! So sad seyy...
I had my 3rd and last theory lessons earlier this morning... It was less scary this time around. Just act cool and walk into the classroom. Haha! Saw my pri sch friend and talked to her abit. Navin was there too. By 11+ I was done! Finished all 4 lessons and I immediately chiong-ed down to book my Riding Theory Test (RTT). Wahlau... the earliest I can take is 26th December. I was so lucky not to take my time to walk down. If not, I would have to take the test in 2007. =]
After which, made my way to his place to see Cookie! (Anyway, she went airborne from the balcony again, and was away from home for a week. She just came back last Thurs.) Watched tv and had lunch there (ayamrendangrocks)!
Then, suddenly, SOMEONE suggested we go swimming. BUT, of course, I didn't have my swimming costume with me lahh! So.. I made myself to believe that my swimming costume was old and dah-nak-dekat-koyak-rabak. After that we immediately packed our stuff and made our way to Hg Central so yours truly can purchase a new swimming costume. It's pink! HAHA! It was the closest to red.. so ya...
So there! I got 3 new things in 3 days.. Now, almost broke already. Need to control spending because I wanna clear my practical lessons and get the licence asap.
I'm gonna have my first prac tmr... abit scared la... wish me luck! =D
Saturday, November 18, 2006
cleared up!

So there! Lemme introduce my notes to you. From the left: GP, Econs, Maths and last but not least, Geography! I didn't know Mr Chow gave us that much stuff for GP. Must be all the model essays! And I cannot believe that I have more Econs materials than Maths! Sheesh, maybe it's because most of the Maths assignments were done using the tablet. Then, as expected, Geog pile won! All the mankillers and prelim papers.
And then, I climbed onto the table to chuck all the notes in the top cupboard. And tadaaa!

Oh, good bye John Sloman and Econs TYS! *waves gbye*

I hope I will never have to take them down and flip through the pages again! =\

So happy to see my table so neat and clean again! =D By the way, the books in the cupboard are mainly lecture notes, mankillers, textbooks and model essays. I put my assignments, test&exam papers, written notes in a box to be recycled! =]
Have you people cleared your stuff yet? It feels good man!
Anyway, I am so hungry right now. It's 3.39pm and I haven't eaten anything, except bits and pieces of the french loaf, since I woke up! Nothing to eat also. Ader Maggi ah, tapi malas. But it's okay cause I'm going out laterrrrrrr!! To buy smth! ;) I have theory lessons tmr and on Sunday. And then my first prac on Monday morning. Nervous!!
Can't wait to go for the job interview next week! I'm gonna work at my mom's office at Singtel. Haha, customer service babe! But abit scared also. I've never worked anywhere before! Not even after the 'O's. Eh, why ah? Cause stupid Haagen Dazs called me 1 week before school reopened!
Then, my cousin asked if I could help her calculate her business invoices and bills. It's a monthly job and she said she'd pay me 50$ just for that! Hahahahah! =D
I wanna earn lots of money and give my mum some and go on a snorkelling trip next year! Anybody wanna come along? The more, the merrier!
Oh, I almost forgot. To Delta04: PLT GATHERING PLEASE!
I'll book a pit and we'll go bbq on next Saturday? 25th November 2006. So please so not make other plans and be free on that day! Please msg me once you read this.... =]
Okay, will update again soon! Have a gooooooooooood day!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
clap back
Today is the last day of A Levels! Eh, like so fast like that hor? I still can remember the day I stepped into the hall to take the GP paper! =D And right nowwwwww, it's all over! *screamss* Pity those Lit kids who only finish next friday. But it's okay guys, it's gonna end really soooon. Hang on! =]
Hmmmm, now that it's really over, I haven't got anything real to do. And please, I AM NOT COMPLAINING! Hahah, it's just that, well, I've think about the things that I want to do after the 'A's all the time. Especially when I feel that it sucks to sit alone and do work. Eh, why I talk like a mugger? NO, I didn't mug alot. Here's it: WISH I HAD STUDIED HARDER BECAUSE.
"Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never learn anything from history." Indeed! We had the 'O's 2 years back and when results came, all of us, or at least me, vowed to study much harder for the 'A's. Sigh. Only the results can tell.
I'll be back here later to update! =]
Saturday, October 28, 2006
the things university students do...
The video below is freakin funny..!
My personal favourite:
"Is your moustache the source of your knowledge. If it is, then please don't set so difficult question because most of us, don't have moustache." LIKE WTH! Laughed my ass off..!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I envy people with pretty faces, a perfect pair of working brains , loads of money and a good life.
Now I wish I could get out of this place... Sometimes, the environment in school is much more tolerable and peaceful than at home. That's how bad things are down here. So much so that the worst place seems like a more ideal place to be in. =(
My life is no good. I'm up to no good.
sorry i've been deranged and just mad these few weeks. it'll all be over in 6 weeks k? PROMISE! *does Brownie handsign*
i'll still give u cookiemonsters and furballs every single day.. =]

the haze was bad on saturday.. i think im suffering from the aftermath. flu and sorethroat.. bad bad bad! =( strepsils has alcohol... are we not allowed to consume that? =X
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I've GTG. I'll BRB!
Harloooww! Got news for you guys! This post is (sort of) gonna be the last entry for now. Hmmm, I'm tryna eliminate, one-by-one, the many reasons why I am spending so much time on the internet doing not-so-important things (for now only!): online window-shopping, youtube-ing, azlyrics-ing, yahoo-ing, google-ing and whatnot. Although I enjoy each and every post I read on you people's blogs and such, I just have to put this to an end (again I stress, for the upcoming 2 months only) because it's sort of distracting me from my work. Anyway, I don't want to leave the posts as it was from the last time I updated because it would not be a very nice (temporary) departure from here. =D
So yeahhh, the tagboard will still be around for you, my small group of regular customers, haha! Yayy! I will try to get short and sweet updates, albeit via the tagboard, if I happen to have to come online. The song is a beautiful number by Mariah Carey, Hero.. =D My all-time favourite..Ahhhh, there.. my HERO(mat)... hahha! Love ya.. I know I was the one who asked you to create ur own virtual diary and then now I'm backing out.. =P Sorryyyyy.....
And to Delta'04, 05A11, fellow Cedarians and Innovians, I LOVE YOU GUYS!
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
Oh Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way

PS: Wishing all Muslims Happy Ramadhan! (Yang belom bayar balik hutang last year, please do it soon!!! Kalau roll-over to next year, kene bayar balik dua kali... lagi rabak... =X)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
So we stopped talking for a while and took time to reflect. And then, we made up. Haha.. =]
I feel like MIA-ing for the entire upcoming week. I don't think I even deserve to step into the exam venue with the amount of knowledge I have right now, or rather the lack of it. Of course, throughout the holiday week I was too busy doing nothing/anything else other than studying. FUG!
Okay bye..
Thursday, September 07, 2006
goodbye to you.
I was actually a little sad when Twohill was the next one to leave the competition. =\ Oh wells, wanted to see more of what he can do. He actually did quite well last night.. But it's okay, there's still Hady! =D
It's gonna be a cold night..
PS: The mini pizzas were AWESOME! Hahahah!
PPS: I wanna go on a holiday and stay at a beach resort for the whole weekend after the A'Levels! I PROMISE!
Okay, bubbye..
PPPS: I'm feeling a little sad and lost right now. I do not exactly know why.. =(
mozzarella and cheddar.
Though I wish it didn't have to end the way it did just now. =
I made mini pizzas. Like really mini. 2 inches in diameter... so cute right? Bite-sized...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Of course you're nice to me when you want me to do something for you. Some people are just ________. Sighhh...
Not all males can be fathers...
we're jammin', i wanna jam it with you
we're jammin', jammin',
and i hope you like jammin' too...
i know YOU do! =D
Monday, September 04, 2006
plant more trees.
And I'm in love with Strawberry Shortcake... Got myself a PINK StrawberryShortcake pencil case last night... Hahaha!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
pain pain pain
Got to meet bestfriend finally after so looooooooong. I was dressed up like 'a real lady', he claimed.. The minute I stepped out of home my feet were screaming, "AAAAAHH! Take these off!" You see, I was wearing this 2-inch heels out for the first time. I mean, I have been (very very) comfortable wearing shoes or flipflops whenever I go out. Thus, the elevation of the heels was abit unbearable at times. Plus, the front was tight. Shittos. Never again till I get a comfortable pair of heels.
And then I had to walk like gu-niang and cannot jump around like when I wear shoes. Of course somebody always teased me when there's a step coming up in front. -_- I'll stick to wearing shoes la k?????
Lunner-ed at Sakura.. then dessert-ification at Swensens! Our frens were so happy to see us there!! Hahah.. =] We had STICKY CHEWY CHOCOLATE AND WAFFLE DREAM! The waffle came with butterscotch and vanilla ice-cream, whipped cream, marshmallow topping and cherry! FATTY FATTY FOOD!
Remind me of red red rose.. some lit stuff.. illiteration is it? or alliteration? alaaaa, dunno la... =X
Marina Square had some NTU science exhibition. Then, one of the students gave me a small PITCHER PLANT! =] It's in the gel thingy and its supposed to grow in the container.. My first plant!!! =]
Friday, September 01, 2006
I need a lucky charm because my life has been rather sway... =(
I miss the boy.. =(
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
brown eyes -destiny's child
You can stop reading here.. Don't say I didn't warn you..
Remember the first day when I saw your face
Remember the first day when you smiled at me
You stepped to me and then you said to me
I was the woman you dreamed about
Remember the first day when you called my house
Remember the first day when you took me out
we had butterflies although we tried to hide
and we both had a beautiful night
-awwwwww, i remember... hehe-
The way we held each other's hand,
the way we talked, the way we laughed
it felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one
ohhhhhh, I know that he loves me cause told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause its obvious
I know that he loves me cause its me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell it so
-right, right, right, baby?-
Remember the first day, the first day we kissed
Remember the first day we had an argument [ironically, it happened to be on 'HappyOccasionDay'! Hmphh!!]
we apologized and then we compromised
and we've haven't argued since [haha, bluffffff]
Remember the first day we stopped playing games
Remember the first day you fell in love with me
it felt so good for you to say those words
cause I felt the same way too
The way we held each other's hands,
the way we talked, the way we laughed
it felt so good to fall in love
and I knew right there and then that you were the one
I know that he loves cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell it so
I'm so happy, so happy that your in my life
and baby now that your a part of me you've showed me
showed me the true meaning of love (the true meaning of love)
and I know he loves me
I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell it so
He looks at me and his brown eyes tell it so
Miss you much, love.. Come see me soon.. =]
of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
when it feels like my dreams are so far
sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again...."
Monday, August 28, 2006
born lippy
Supposed to be doing some geog today... But ended up cleaning up my room, vacuuming around, changing bed sheets, washing toilet and fan and such. Haha... Shit... no work done yet.
Think I have to stop thinking I am able to make it just by slacking away and not putting in much work already! It’s fucking useless. It will never work out like this. Wake up dammit!
A humungous fly just decided to give me a little visit in my room. Think it lost its way and somehow flew up too high till the twelfth floor and plopped itself on my bed. It flew away awhile ago. And now it’s back to bother me. BUT, it is not bothering me as much as something else…
That something else is very much bothering me and some people close to me. I hate it when I cannot do anything to change something to make a person be in a better situation and live a better life. The problem is, that person is comfortable with it and seems to be enjoying the current situation he/she is in right now. I don’t understand! Oh come on, you know when someone doesn’t deserve the kind of treatment he/she is getting. I feel fucking helpless…
PS: Everyone is affected by what you did and what you’re doing, moron!
Right now, I can imagine my boyfriend saying “Don’t say like that please... Tak baik...” Then, he will put his hand over my mouth to stop me from spewing anymore vulgarities. Alahhh, but you understand why I do that right?
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
"If you get there before I do, don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores all through, I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down, Darling wait and see
But between now and then till I see you again
I'll be loving you..
Love, Me"
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
sex in the middle of the field
Just last year, I heard a couple having sex in the handicap-unisex toilet. It was .......... I think it's gross to hear such stuff because you just cannot stop having to imagine the possible images. On the other hand, people say you remember better when you see something rather than hear it. Good luck if you happen have good photographic memory! HAHA! Sucksssssssssss.
Monday, August 21, 2006
i <3 M1!
M1 called this afternoon that the service that allows me to call 3 M1 numbers will be activated as of midnight! Yayyy! This means I can call Fad and Zar for freeeeeeeeeeeeee!! For 2 whole years!!!! And I will also receive free phonecalls from Fad! For 2 whole years tooooooooo! Okay, cheapo-ness.
Yesterday I was cleaning up my pile of jumbled up worksheets and notes. Had some difficulties trying to fix the magazine folder. You know, those cardboard thingies that holds your files and books vertically.
Okay, look, the box at the bottom is fixed wrongly. I was so angry because it wouldn't fit in properly and couldn't stand straight. Can you see the two side flaps trying to fit in so desperately? The one that is fixed correctly is the box on top. This is what happens when you underestimate IKEA's 3-step instructions!
And then, I added some ugly red dots on the plain white cardboard for my maths stuff! =] And ugly blue ovals for my econs worksheets. I need to go back to IKEA to get another set because GP notes have to share space with maths notes. I don't think they like it.. =X
Okay! Gtg.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
let it burn.
Just now was good and bad. =( & =). I bought a DorothyPerkins top. It's none of those in the poll. Because, the 'I Love Rock and Roll' one was sold out, I thought the one with the hearts didn't look as cute&pretty as the first time I saw it and the 'Plant More Trees' seemed a lil too dull. And soooooo! We came across this chrome 'REV-OLU-TION' shirt and I bought it. Picture at the end of the post.. Haa!
Got myself some magazine holders to store my worksheets and such. Only 3$ for 5 pieces! IKEA IKEA IKEA! They're gonna open an enormous IKEA nearer to home. Tampines area.
My MOOKS bag was gone! and so was the colourful headband at Rastafari at MarinaSq. But I asked the abang/uncle at the Penin shop to chope one for me once they stock up their merch. I'm abit desperate for a wallet but boyfriend thinks that I should live life like a teenager and shouldn't carry around a Guess wallet like a tai-tai yet. HEH. He got himself two shirts though. The blue one is so cute. Eleh, mentang2 dapat pay... buy this and that.. Haha...
To YOU: I don't think I deserved what happened this afternoon. It isn't entirely my fault when I got a lil upset because I think you should have at least shared with me about it. Neither am I saying it is your fault k? Oh wait... is it the thing that you almost blurt out that time and wanted to only tell me on Saturday? Anyway, I think you owe me an apology even though you unintentionally made me sad. =]

Nice or not people? Haha, can see abit of bunchitt-ness...
not giving up...
why don't people understand?
it's not about whether they call you or send you an sms on a daily basis or even how often they do that. it's about showing how much they'd want to know how you're doing, how your day went, what you were up to and such, through the simplest and most skimpy way of communication that will only cost them 5cents or even free for others.
it's not about why you always demand for them to always contact you. it's about you wanting that littlest bit of attention.
it's not about how come you always get upset about a little issue. it's about them being a little insensitive.
it's not about you tho. it's about me. all about me.
i think i'm becoming emotionally numb. somehow i know that you know i'm aching inside. but i'm not sure i know that you know just what to do about it. i'm not sure you'd want to do anything about it. i'm not even sure you'd care enough to do anything.
the irony. it's quite an emotional entry. in no doubt you're even concerned.
today's gonna be a good day. i'll pray for a good day today and everyday.
cuz i'm hopeful, yes i am, hopeful for today,
take this music and use it
let it take you away,
and be hopeful, hopeful and He'll make a way
i know it ain't easy but that's okay,
cause we're hopeful.
-twista feat faith evans
Thursday, August 17, 2006
barney: a dinosaur in our imagination
Using my comp!! And he's ony 2 and half years old.
He was playing some click-on-chicks-and-count game on the Barney website. Taught him a 2-3 rounds and he played like 20+ rounds all by himself! So smart righttt!!
MisterSmartBoy! =]
And this is Dot, in a paper bag.
I'll get pictures of Cookie soon. She's really fat right now because she eats only ScienceDiet brand cat food.
This entry is meaningless because I do not remember what I was supposed to blog about. Wrote down some stuff on my hand to remind myself on things to blog. The thing is, there are only initials and I don't remember what they stand for.. Hahah!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Favourite Food: Spaghetti and sweetandsourFISH, YTF, TYSBM
Favourite Movie: Serendipity, Ten Things I Hat About You
Sport: badminton! ('cept the fact that i can't play it well..), walking (if you consider it a sport)
Favourite Day of the week: Friday?
Favourite Ice cream: Told you before... I LOVE PEPPERMINT! and FrostedChocolateMalt!
Favourite TV show: Stuff on DiscoveryChannel, NationalGeographic, StarWorld [Oprahhh!!]
DiscoveryHome&Health [they show sick stuff like plastic surgery and pregnant mothers who give birth in their home bathtubs, but I love to watch those...] and E!EntertainmentChannel.
Current Mood: Bleargh, I can feel the flu coming...
Current taste: Sweet, sour and spicy?
Current Clothes: Shorts and TheIncredibles t-shirt..
Current Desktop: The ballerina Shappa drew for me months ago..
Current Toenail Colour: nopes, not painted..
Current Time: 8:08pm
Current Annoyance: dripping nose
Current thoughts: Contemplating whether or not to go to school tmrw. I know, bad girl!
First Best Friend: SitiHawa in kindergarten. I doubt she even remembers me. Haha. But I have Widya and Herdiana since primary school!
First Crush: Primary school classmate.. ooppss!
First Movie: Casper! I was scared before that because my cuz told me its about a ghost.
First Lie: Cant rememberrrr laaa..
First Music: Lame primary school songs like 'KuehPisang', 'Satayman'
Last Cigarette: Naaaaahhh, don't smoke..
Last Drink: Mango drink
Last car ride: NationalDay!
Last Crush: Like literally, crush? Hahahaha!
Last Phone call: bestfriend!
Last CD played: The Break-Up.. dvd though..
Have u ever dated any of your BESTFRIENDS: don't think so..
Have u ever broken any laws: not really.. bend them..
Have u ever been arrested: nopes.
Have u ever skinny-dipped: not yet?
Have u ever kissed someone u don't know: no
Okay NADNAD! I did it alreadyy.. okay, those who wanna do can do! =]
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
lucy in the sky with diamonds.
I just don't understand.
I get the feeling you ain't ok.
And I don't know cause you wouldn't say.
You wouldn't say.
Just wouldn't say.
I am
Monday, August 07, 2006
shopping list
Monday, July 31, 2006
unsafe school

290706: Woke up damn early on Sat to do work. Made my brother go to NTUC to buy ingredients because I felt like cooking spaghetti. Then we made 'pizza' with the extra sauce, sausages and crabmeat. The reason why pizza is in inverted commas is because we used bread as the crust. REMEMBER THE PIZZA IN CEDAR??? JUST LIKE THAT BABES! MPH and Po-Jee came over to eat.
After which we left for his -last- gig. It was a totally different scene altogether. The environment. The music. The people. The way they talk and behave. The things they do. The clothes they wear. Just makes you wanna think about the very reason why Malays are like THAT. Scary. It was somewhere I don't belong and know I won't, at least not in the mean time. =
Managed to leave that -literally- stinky place right after MPH performed. By the way, you did excellent darls! =] I cannot stand smoke and sweat. The whole studio was -very- poorly ventilated and humidity level was at 90%. Just a little bit more it would have rained indoors. Smelly rain then.
Then, we took bus to go to Kallang to catch fireworks. Fortunately or unfortunately, we caught the 8.02pm one from inside the bus. But managed to catch the full, but short, 8.08pm display! I was wondering why this year's fireworks display is so short. Budget. Don't even have FireworksFestival @ MarinaBay! Aiyaaaa! Then we took bus home. Funny sia the busride... =P
300706: This is what happens when you are sick but still have to study. Soon the tissue box itself became the dustbin. I know it's disgusting to have a pile to soiled tissues in front of you but $%^&*(*@&*(^&*(. =X
Slept Napped at 3. Woke up at 5.30 to go to school.
I predict I'll be having a bad day today. =(
ps: NEVER leave your belongings unattended! There are thieves in school.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I hate it when someone repeats whatever I say and gets credit for it. Make use of your pathetic piece of mind, if you even have it, will you? Stop whining.
I hate people who bully my bestfriend! I know you will never read this, what the heck, but if you happen to come across this blog in a century's time, please know that you're such an ass! Just because you are sort of the leader, it doesn't mean you can be rude to others.
I pity people who fracture their noses. It's a little scary to see someone whose nose bends sideways with blood dripping out of it and onto the floor. Worst, you do not even know who was the one who had accidently, or not, smacked you on the face real hard!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Something happened which made me do this. My mother just came back from work and yes, she made noise again. Saying that I asked my father to buy durians and now that he has bought it already, I better go it them now, in some kind of tone. Like WTF? Firstly, when I mentioned durians, it was just a passing statement. And so what if he took it as if I was hinting him to buy them? Why did she have to barge into the room and 'accuse' me of that? Causing me to lose concentration and take some time off just to soothe myself because her words were an immediate trigger to the tear glands. Maybe I've had a rough day towards the end of school just now or simply tired. But hey, stop venting your anger on me because I have other things to take care of right now. At this very point too, ironically, I feel bad for talking bad about her because I know she didn't mean to deliberately hurt my feelings. And I know she will NEVER know that that just happened.
Dear YOU, is this one of your tests to measure the amount of patience and determination I have in me? the words of a broken heart
it's just emotions taking me over
tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul...
boo again.
Civics lesson now.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Female infanticide is the intentional killing of baby girls due to the preferance for male babies and from the low value associated with the birth of females. The babies managed to survive the first stage of femicide, which is foeticide. The worst-case scenarios are those whom were fed dry, unhulled rice that punctured their windpipes, or were made to swallow poisonous powdered fertilizer. Others were smothered with a wet towel, strangled or allowed to starve to death. Mothers of these victimized female children feel that, "Instead of her suffering the way I do, I thought it was better to get rid of her." To many, it was a way of saving them from going through the harsh reality of being a female.
Sigh. All forms of inequalities occur at my home. @##$%^%$%#@&^!!! Just an hour ago, my mother reached home and scolded me for not washing some pots on the stove. She forgets I'm the only child who helps her around the house. The other siblings just don't even lift a finger and it's alright. INEQUALITY! And it doesn't matter whether I'm too tired to do housework or busy with schoolwork, I just get screamed at. The least I will get is some sarcastic remarks from her. Trust me, she is capable of doing that too.
K la, bye. I want to do geog homework.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
post-prelim1 depression
It is partly ignorance on my part, but hey, the timetable that I got is the one everyone else got from the school website too. And how is it that she too realised about the timetable change only THIS morning?
And another thing's bothering me. Reverse psychology works most of the time. Even though it never fails to leave me feeling bad. I'm the villain to you.
I lack sleep these days. Only managed to get 2 hours of sleep this morning. And waking up to a shocking news.
Bad day, bad day, bad day.
Anyway, managed to sell my N3108 and earn $55. That sales person was being a total bitch though.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
milo stains.
Prelim 1 just arrived and three papers are done so far.
Physical Geog
Econs P3
Still have: Maths P2, Econs P1 and P2 and Human Geog
Hoping to survive till the end of this year for the big 'A's and get good stuff next year. =D
OH! Did I tell you I finally got myself a new handphone?? Haha, it was partly on impulse and partly because I've been using N3108 for more than 2 years and it has decided to go bonkers lately. So I bought another Nokia 7360 at a good price using my own money, you losers!! I think it's okay for me to spend most of my allowance during the first week this time because I do not change handphone like I change clothes, unlike some people. Btw, it's a camera phone. Haha, so I'll prolly post tonnes of pictures from now on.. but the quality is rather poor. =(
Shall do some stats questions now. Have lots of time because it's an afternoon paper tmr! Yayy yayy!!!
Faaaaaaizzzz, I miss boyfriend too. Hahah!
Okay, there you go, an entry after so long!
That orchid is actually a garnish I took from the yucharkueh plate. Hahah!

Can you see that potato shape of MPH's head? =P